How Artificial Intelligence And Big Data Can Help In Wildlife Preservation

Artificial Intelligence


February 23, 2022

Artificial Intelligence And Big Data

Wildlife conservation has grown into a global responsibility, as many species are on the verge of extinction. As the human population and demand for resources have grown, the need for international collaboration has become even more vital. Artificial Intelligence and Big Data provide significant promise for large-scale ecological understanding to save wildlife from extinction. By combining machine learning methodologies with domain expertise, animal ecologists can take advantage of massive datasets provided by current sensors. Integrating artificial intelligence and big data into ecological workflows could improve ecological model inputs and lead to hybrid modeling tools. In this article, we’ll discuss the importance of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data in Wildlife Conservation, and its use cases.

Why Artificial Intelligence And Big Data For Conservation?

Existing and traditional wildlife monitoring and surveillance techniques and tactics are inadequate and ineffective. Mounting them is either physically impossible or physically challenging. Conservation efforts are now considerably more thorough and efficient, thanks to the recent development in Artificial Intelligence and Big Data. Efforts to expand AI technology to the farthest reaches of the natural world have risen substantially in tandem with the development of cheaper, more efficient, and more powerful hardware. The way we study and protect wildlife is changing dramatically due to artificial intelligence and newly emerging data collection technology. It helps predict species extinctions, measure the industry’s global footprint, assess species range changes, and tackle human-wildlife conflicts. It also can be used to stop wildlife poaching, predict future climate change, and foresee changes in water quality.

Predictive analytics and visual analytics are helpful in the identification of novel conservation techniques. It will also help to better communicate the results of the research to the general audience in an intelligible manner. Therefore, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data are crucial for conservation. They can assist in filling critical data gaps, identifying the most important habitats, and using that information to protect species diversity across the country.

4 Ways Artificial Intelligence And Big Data Aid Wildlife Preservation!

  • Animal Trafficking Prevention

Data scientists, environmentalists, and conversation activists aren’t the only ones who recognize the value of AI. The development and implementation of innovative technologies that will aid wildlife security services in anti-poaching operations are in great demand. The illegal wildlife trade harms biodiversity and poses a risk of invasive species and diseases spread over the world. Despite a slew of national and international legislation and regulations aimed at halting illegal wildlife trade, large profit margins, and rising demand fuel a thriving worldwide black market. Also, past poaching records and geographic data have been used by the Protection Assistant for Wildlife Security (PAWS) to forecast poachers’ future behavior. The combination of these technologies with the Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool (SMART) could result in such precise mapping of wildlife that PAWS’ ability to predict other types of environmental crime, such as illegal logging or fishing, could be expanded.

  • Facial Recognition

It’s no wonder that researchers are using facial recognition technology to identify primates since humans look so much like chimps. This technology allows them to answer several fundamental issues about ecology, behavior, and conservation. Many researchers are analyzing chimp behavior across generations using their enormous libraries of decades-old video recordings. Other mammals, such as lions and pandas, have also been identified using facial recognition technology. It will be able to recognize practically all mammals in the future based on their distinct face traits.

  • Marine Life Protection

Whales of all species utilize sound to communicate. Some vocalizations can be traced back to a specific species or even a specific population. While many whales are difficult to see, their sounds can be heard for kilometers underwater. Scientists utilize underwater microphones to record their sounds to track movement and study population changes over time. As a result of these developments, the volume of data collected has skyrocketed, and scientists simply do not have enough hours in the day to evaluate it all. 

So, to address these obstacles, researchers are using deep machine learning (artificial intelligence technology) to evaluate large amounts of data and detect highly varied whale noises. Some people are also utilizing solar-powered hydrophones to keep track of marine creatures in real time. The information gathered by this device can be used to determine the presence of marine mammals, minimize future vessel collisions, and develop effective conservation policies.

  • Species Counting And Behavior Analysis

We would be better able to research and conserve ecosystems if we had accurate, thorough, and up-to-date information regarding the location & behavior of wildlife. Over the last two decades, the use of motion-sensor cameras known as camera traps in natural habitats has revolutionized wildlife ecology and conservation. Ecologists have come to rely on these camera traps to monitor population, and dispersion, and evaluate habitat utilization. While they can capture millions of photographs, manually extracting insight from these camera-trap images takes time and money. In addition, most of the important knowledge in these massive data warehouses remains unexplored in these situations. However, deep neural networks, a cutting-edge type of artificial intelligence, are already being used to automatically extract such vital information. Collecting such data in an automated and precise manner could aid in the transformation of subjects such as ecology, wildlife biology, animal behavior, and many others.

Bottom Line

AI is often able to do the work of hundreds of humans using machine learning computer systems that use algorithms and models to learn, understand, and adapt. This results in faster, cheaper, and more effective solutions. Artificial intelligence combined with Big Data can assist organizations in protecting species as diverse as humpback whales, koalas, and snow leopards by assisting scientists, researchers, and rangers in critical activities ranging from anti-poaching patrols to species monitoring. AI is illuminating the path to safeguarding animal species by providing reliable data on what is happening in nature. AI offers a comprehensive view of the planet’s biodiversity and supports the establishment of conservation policy.

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Vaishali Bhatt

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