Microservices Architecture Development Services

Unleash the Power of Trusted Microservices Architecture for Future-Ready Businesses. Leverage 11+ Years of Ksolves' Expertise to Transform Legacy Systems with Secure and Agile Microservices Development. Our Microservices Architecture Development services ensure faster project delivery with seamless updates and upgrades, minimizing downtime.

Smooth Microservices Architecture Development


At Ksolves, we modernize legacy IT systems by restructuring the apps and streamlining the deployments to meet digital demands. From developing Microservices Architecture to its integration, or further customization, we offer and master everything!
From development, integration, implementation to consultation, we offer a wide array of services.

Our Expertise as Microservices Developer


  • Organizational and Architectural Risks EvaluationR
  • Enhancing Microservices Architecture
  • Roadmap Development
  • End-to-end Assessment


  • Modern Comprehensive Integration
  • Good API-led Integration Strategy
  • Loose Coupling and High Cohesion
  • Best Integration Tools Usage


  • Migration from legacy system
  • Transparent and Hassle-Free Transfers
  • Talented Tech-Savvy Workforce
  • Appropriate Migration Tech-Stack


  • Automated testing with high test coverage
  • API testing
  • Routine regression and security testing
  • Enables fast and quality releases

Support & Maintenance

  • Personalized Customer Service
  • Instant Customer Support
  • Online & Offline Support
  • 24*7 Full Assistance

Microservices Adoption

  • Lightweight API
  • Loosely Coupled Custom Apps
  • DevOps Automation for Continuous Deployment
  • Continuous Delivery

Tools To Utilize For Microservices Development

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Microservices With containers

In a Microservices Architecture, the application‘s host environment independence can be achieved by encapsulating each component within Docker containers. This approach streamlines the process of packaging applications into self-contained units, providing developers with enhanced flexibility and portability.

Microservices with Docker and Kubernetes

Microservices with Docker and Kubernetes provide faster development, scalability, and flexibility but come with challenges like complexity, testing difficulties, and security risks. Ksolves experts can help maximize benefits and overcome these challenges professionally.

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API Gateway - A Platform to Microservices

Utilizing an API gateway for Microservices offers a multitude of advantages when adopting this architecture pattern. Whether you are transitioning to a microservice-based system or starting from the ground up, Ksolves, Microservices Specialist in India, stands out as the optimal choice for effective implementation and management.

Microservices Messaging and Event Streaming- How It Works?

Through the skillful implementation of Microservices Messaging and Event Streaming, organizations can establish resilient and scalable distributed systems. This approach fosters smooth communication and collaboration among microservices, ensuring system integrity and reliability are upheld at all times.

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Enable Microservices Serverless
Architecture For Application

We provide comprehensive Microservices and Serverless Architecture Development Services. Our expertise encompasses designing and implementing efficient serverless solutions tailored to your specific business needs. With a focus on microservices, we ensure seamless communication and integration between individual components, maximizing scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency.

Trust Ksolves team of professionals to deliver cutting-edge serverless solutions that empower your applications with enhanced performance and reliability while reducing operational overhead.

Unlock the Potential of Microservices Development Company

Opting for Microservices Development Services is a strategic and all-encompassing solution for swiftly building and scaling dynamic applications. With a commitment to cutting-edge practices, Ksolves empowers businesses with enhanced flexibility and scalability. Our expertise ensures accelerated project delivery while enabling teams to work independently, all while maintaining seamless application performance. Trust Ksolves to efficiently drive your microservices journey and achieve optimal results.

Accelerated Time-To-Market
By decoupling your application, you can avoid extensive code rewriting. This newly introduced capability empowers us to rapidly develop microservices and streamline their deployment process.
Flexible Costs
Adoption of end-to-end Microservices will work on bringing up best-in-class benefits and eliminates the high cost in the track.
Technology Freedom
Our polyglot developers help you choose and build microservices in the most suitable languages, adding functionality and efficiency to your application.
Decentralized Architecture
Microservices promote a decentralized architecture, where complex applications are broken down into smaller, loosely coupled services.

Why Choose Ksolves For Microservices Architecture Development?

As a leading Microservices Development Company, Ksolves fosters business growth through agile problem-solving, digital transformation, and tailored strategies. We build, deploy, and test Microservices Applications, offering expertise in frameworks and tools for new applications and migrations. Our experienced team ensures projects are fast, versatile, and successful.

With Ksolves, Maximize your ROI and bring better deployments.
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Frequently Asked Questions

What is meant by Microservices?

Microservices is a loosely coupled specialized approach to structuring an application as a collection of services by creating single-function modules with well-defined interfaces and operations.

What problem does Microservices solve?

Microservices mainly solve two types of problems: technical as well as people problems. Technical mainly refers to the infrastructure and process problems that people usually face when integrating microservices, whereas people in terms of efficiency and coordination.

Is REST API a Microservice?

No, REST API is not a microservice and they both refer to very different things. Microservices is more about designing and structuring the system whereas REST API focuses more on exposing those microservices.

When will you choose Monolith over Microservices?

If your business has a large team and needs more complex data-heavy apps, choosing microservices over Monolith would be an advantage.

What are the main benefits of a Microservices architecture?

The main benefits of Microservices architecture are:

  • Continuous Deployment
  • Improved Workflow
  • Parallel Development
  • Higher Scalability
  • Security
How does Microservice integrate into AWS?

There are mainly two ways through which you can integrate microservices into AWS. One is by serverless computing with AWS Lambda and the other by managing a Kubernetes cluster with Docker containers via AWS Fargate.

What is Microservices architecture in cloud computing?

Microservices architecture is a cloud-native architectural platform, consisting of multiple loosely coupled and independently deployable services in a single application.