Vigorous Salesforce Professional Services with

Salesforce Summit (Platinum)


Certified Technical Architect


Certified System Architect


Certified B2C Solution Architect


Certified B2C Commerce Architect


Certified Application Architect

ksolves salesforce services

Elevate Your Business with our Cutting-Edge Solutions

Ksolves is home to 200+ Salesforce Certified Experts!

Benefits Of Hiring A Salesforce Summit (Platinum) Partner

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Insightful Assessment
Fluent Customization
Accessible Updates
Enduring Partnership
Certified Onboarding
Time & Cost Efficiency
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Your Ideal Salesforce Verified
Consulting Partner Is Here!
Our Processes

Elaborating Ksolves Salesforce Development Service Structure

Salesforce Service


During this process, our Salesforce Consulting Partners analyze the structure of your business and point out the weak link, if any. This will allow us to suggest a better solution for your business, whether it’s shortening the Sales Cycle or adding customer support software. All the solutions will be designed and customized to meet the business needs.


Based on the requirements of your business, there must be certain suitable Salesforce editions. In the configuration services, Ksolves will make sure that a prominent Salesforce feature version is offered to cover all the requirements. Apart from that, the capabilities of your team are also a point of consent before concluding a decision.

Salesforce Service
Salesforce Service


After selecting a prominent solution for your business, it’s time to integrate the process. Besides hassle-free integration and quality assurance, Ksolves will also help your team to understand the process and get used to the functioning of it. Salesforce Implementation Services will also include the transformation of valuable information into a fresh setup.


Salesforce Migration Services involves error-free migration of the data you’ve collected from multiple sources into the Salesforce environment. Our top-notch Salesforce Implementation Consultants will allow a smooth transition by creating end-points with the use of Tooling APIs.

Salesforce Service
Salesforce Service


After the data has been migrated from the old CRM to Salesforce, it’s time to launch the services and enjoy the benefits. Before the launching process, Ksolves will ensure that your entire team is proficient with Salesforce services and tools. We will always be there by your side while launching the software to ensure perfection.


Once the CRM is implemented in your setup, Ksolves will make sure that you don’t face any issues after. Our support services will eliminate the hurdles and allow you to focus on your business. Top Salesforce Consulting Partners of India and the USA are merely a call away

Salesforce Service
Salesforce Products

Our Friendship With Salesforce Development Product

Einstein Sales
Einstein Sales
Einstein High-Velocity Sales Cloud
Salesforce Sustainability Cloud

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    Find Your Query Here!

    Why Is Salesforce So Popular?

    Salesforce is popular due to these reasons:

    • High-quality products
    • Powerful ecosystem
    • Data security
    • Backward compatible upgrades
    • Constant innovations
    What Are The Benefits Of Salesforce?

    The benefits of Salesforce can be listed as:

    • Flexibility
    • Plethora of applications
    • Customer Information
    • Account planning
    • Team collaboration
    • Time management
    • Easy to manage
    Is Salesforce Worth The Money?

    Salesforce is used by giants like Spotify and Amazon Web Services, which expands the community of users. With the prominent guidance of an expert Salesforce Consulting Partner, like Ksolves, CRM will give you more than you spend on it.

    How Much Does Salesforce Professional Services Cost Per Month?

    Ksolves design their prices according to the requirements of the company. We offer different services and their collaboration to meet your aspirations, which makes the service cost variable. If you want to receive an idea of pricing, feel free to contact us.

    What Are The Products Of Salesforce?

    Salesforce Application Development Services of Ksolves deals with the following products:

    • Salesforce Sales Cloud
    • Salesforce Service Cloud
    • Salesforce Marketing Cloud
    • Salesforce Community Cloud
    • Salesforce Analytics Cloud
    • Salesforce Apps Cloud
    • Salesforce IoT Cloud
    Will I Get The Copyright Of The Source Code?

    Ksolves being the leading Salesforce Development Company surely understands the importance of privacy. We will share all the Source Code which will be used for the development of your solution.

    What To Look For When Hiring A Salesforce Managed Service Provider In India And The USA?

    When you are hiring a Salesforce Managed Service Provider in India and the USA, look out for these attributes:

    • Certification
    • Experience
    • Problem-solving Attitude
    • Start-to-end Support System
    • Individual Role Expertise
    What Is The Difference between Managed Service And Outsourcing?

    Outsourcing is handing over a piece of work or tasks to service providers who are experts in their field. You are only concerned with the end-task while outsourcing. On the other hand, Managed Services include hiring a team of employees for certain tasks. During this, you monitor the entire process and shape your end result, accordingly.

    What is the role of Salesforce Implementation Partner?

    A Salesforce Implementation Partner like Ksolves will sit by your side and hover around the business process of your company. We will try to find a weak link and suggest improvements to recover them. Apart from that, we will take the responsibility to imply fresh solutions and extend our support for the future.

    What are the different approaches to Salesforce Implementation?

    There are three different approaches to Salesforce Implementation, listed below:

    • Big Bang Implementation

    In this implementation process, old CRM users are transformed to a new platform with components best suited for their business.

    • Phased implementation

    In this implementation process, transformation to the new environment is divided into several chunks. One chunk is focused at a time with all the processes followed respectively.

    • Parallel Implementation

    In this implementation process, both new and old platforms run simultaneously for some instances to maintain the continuity.

    What should be the process after implementing Salesforce?

    Best Salesforce Implementation Companies In India like Ksolves extend unhinged support even after the Implementation process. We make sure that our customers have no issue at any instance of their Salesforce experience.

    What challenges do small companies face in Implementing Salesforce?

    Challenges faced by small companies while implementing Salesforce are:

    • Data Accuracy
    • Less Coding
    • Salesforce Adoption
    • Salesforce New Feature Releases
    • Standard Feature Implementation