The Future Is Here- AI and CyberSecurity Hand-In-Hand

Artificial Intelligence


July 28, 2022

The Future Is Here AI and CyberSecurity Hand In Hand

The enterprise attack surface is growing continuously. As the business grows, there are up to several hundred billion time-varying signals/ data that are to be analyzed to calculate the risks. Hence, Cybersecurity posture is not a human-scale problem anymore and calls for Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) based tools for Cybersecurity quickly analyze millions of events to identify different types of threats. From identifying malware exploiting zero-day vulnerabilities to risky behaviour that might lead to a phishing attack or download of malicious code, everything is controlled in a time-bound manner.

Are you curious how AI and Cyber Security make a good team together? Continue reading our blog!

What is Artificial Intelligence(AI)?

AI systems are iterative. They get smarter with the quality/ quantity of the data. They learn from analyzing the data and become increasingly capable and autonomous as they go.

What is Artificial Intelligence

Today AI works in three ways:

  • Assisted Intelligence (Common): Improving tasks that people and organizations are already doing. For example, machines in assembly lines.
  • Augmented Intelligence (Emerging one): Enabling people/organizations to achieve goals they couldn’t otherwise do. For example, predicting customer behavior for a business.
  • Autonomous intelligence(In the future): Featuring machines that will act independently. For example, self-driving vehicles.

AI works by storing domain-specific knowledge, works on it using different methods to acquire knowledge and comes up with different mechanisms to put that knowledge into use.

What is Cyber Security?

Cyber Security means protecting/defending internet-connected devices from malicious attacks by hackers, spammers, and cybercriminals. Cyber Security encompasses all the different technologies/processes that help to defend computer systems, data, and networks from threats.

Cyber Threats

Common Cyber threats include:

  • Cyberterrorism: Politically-based attack on computer networks (Information technology) to create widespread social disruption.
  • Malware: It encompasses ransomware, spyware, viruses, and worms. All are harmful software that disrupts your computer system and blocks your access to the computer resources. This software can also transmit information from your computer to another computer.
  • Trojans: Establish a backdoor that allows access to cybercriminals.
  • Botnets: Makes your device to be a part of a string of computers under the control of one coordinating cybercriminal.
  • Adware: Automatically generates unwanted online advertisements.
  • SQL injection: An attack inserts malicious code into a SQL (Structured Query Language)-using a server.
  • Phishing: It is done via false communications (usually email) to fool the recipient into opening it and asking for personal information.
  • Man-in-the-middle attack (usually on unsecured public Wi-Fi networks): It involves hackers inserting themselves into a two-person online transaction to steal the desired data.
  • DoS (Denial of Service): A Cyberattack floods a network or computer with an overwhelming amount of fake requests, making it incapable of responding to genuine/ authentic user requests.

You must protect the business from phishing schemes, ransomware attacks, theft, data breaches, and financial losses. This is where AI in Cyber Security would step in to help you out.

AI and Cyber Security Working Together

Keeping your data and network secured isn’t easy these days. Find out why you must take a decisive step towards being safer by adopting AI.

AI is ideally suited for solving unique challenges, and Cyber Security falls under this category. With the evolving Cyber attacks, a self-learning AI can detect threats and respond to them efficiently.

AI efficiently handles:

  • Vast attack surface
  • 100s of thousands of devices per organization
  • Attack vectors
  • Big Data

AI For Cyber Security- How is the Job Get Done?

The AI technology is a self-learning system that continuously gathers data across your enterprise information systems. AI systems then analyze millions of events relevant to the data collected to discover different Cyber threats.

(The data is used to perform a correlation of patterns across millions to billions of signals relevant to the enterprise attack surface to identify Cyber threats)

Here is the list of bullet points that will tell you about how AI integrates with Cyber Security:

AI For Cyber Security

  • Machine Learning/ Deep Learning:

The AI system is intelligent and uses its intelligence to learn a business network’s behavior over time. It works in the following ways:

  • ML/DL models recognize patterns in the network
  • Clusters these patterns
  • Detect anomalies from the standards before responding to them>
  • Potential threats (with similar traits that have been recorded) get blocked immediately.
  • Breach Risk Prediction: 

Accounting for IT asset inventory, AI-based systems are well capable of predicting how and where you are most likely to be breached. You can configure/ enhance controls to improve your organization’s Cyber resilience.

Also, AI models continuously check your entire system for any possible threats. Hence, it identifies threats extremely early and simplifies your security tasks.

  • Response: 

Business networks face change from time to time. You may have to deal with a phishing attack along with a DOS attack or some ransomware.

AI systems provide prioritization and response to Cyber Security alerts. Moreover, It lets you know the root cause of the threat and enables you to mitigate vulnerabilities and avoid future issues.

  • Control Effectiveness: 

You may have various tools employed for security. AI can help you understand the strengths and weaknesses of your infosec program. It makes it possible to manage gaps (susceptibility to Cyber attacks) in time.

  • Securing Authentication:

The whole network could be at risk if a hacker enters the network from a user’s account. AI adds an extra security layer to your network that involves personal data and sensitive information.

AI ensures authentication using various tools such as facial recognition, AI voice recognition access control system, CAPTCHA, fingerprint scanners, and more. The information collected won’t allow unauthentic access to the organization’s data.


The result of integrating AI with CyberSecurity in your business is a new level of security that includes:

  • Protection against external/ internal threats
  • Robust Cyber Security posture
  • Regulatory compliance as a competitive advantage
  • Improved productivity and cost savings
  • Trust and reputation

Ksolves Offer AI Security Services 

AI has emerged as a required technology to augment human efforts of security. AI enhances business security as business executives have reliable data analyses and threat identification.

With AI in Cyber Security, you can’t only identify but also prioritize risks. You can instantly spot any malware on a network (detect intrusions) and guide incident response (even before the malware action starts).

Ksolves understands the importance of securing business data and is at a good pace in all of its AI/ML services. We are one of the best Cyber Security companies and have a dedicated team of experts. The team leans on machine learning systems for “knowledge consolidation” tasks and “threat detection”.

Contact us at for AI Security Services.


A powerful human-machine partnership pushes the boundaries of the business and drives Cybersecurity in a way that seems greater than the sum of its parts. You can now make better choices for your business and safeguard it against many Cyber threats.

Moreover, Cyber Security with AI improves the competitive standing of the business.


1. How is AI changing Cybersecurity?

It processes copious amounts of data quickly and reduces the time taken to respond to a threat.

2. What do you mean by AI Network Security?

AI analyzes relationships between threats like malicious files and suspicious IP addresses on a network in a time-bound manner. Its curated risk analysis helps to make decisions quickly and remediate threats.

3. What are Cybersecurity challenges?

Cyber Security challenges come in many forms, such as Social Engineering, Configuration Mistakes, Poor Cyber Hygiene, Cloud Vulnerabilities, and more.

authore image
Muntashah Nazir

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