Understand the Differences: Semantic Analysis v/s Syntactic Analysis in Natural Language Processing

Artificial Intelligence


June 4, 2024

As the world moves forward toward being completely digitalized, businesses are making their best efforts to adapt themselves to the tech ecosystem. It has been observed that organizations have large amounts of textual and audio data from a variety of communication channels, including social media newsfeeds, emails, texts, audio, video, and more. They automatically process this data, assess the meaning and sentiment of the message, and react to human communication in real time using natural language processing (NLP) software.

Natural language processing (NLP) is a machine-learning technology that helps computers comprehend human language and communicate with it. Understanding language’s intricacies is crucial for tasks in Natural Language Processing (NLP), from sentiment analysis to language synthesis. Two pillars support this foundation: syntax and semantics. Taken as a whole, they offer the structure for understanding and producing human language.

Among these techniques, semantic and syntactic analysis play an important role. Although they both deal with understanding language, they operate on different levels and serve distinct objectives. Let’s delve into the differences between semantic analysis and syntactic analysis in NLP.

Syntactic Analysis: The Structure of Language

Syntactic analysis, also known as parsing, involves the study of grammatical errors in a sentence. It scrutinizes the arrangement of words and their associations to create sentences that are grammatically correct. The main objective of syntactic analysis in NLP is to comprehend the principles governing sentence construction. This verifies that the language input complies with syntax rules.

In syntactic analysis, sentences are dissected into their component nouns, verbs, adjectives, and other grammatical features. To reflect the syntactic structure of the sentence, parse trees, or syntax trees, are created. The branches of the tree represent the ties between the grammatical components that each node in the tree symbolizes.

Consider an example, “Jhony eats an apple.”

The syntactic analysis would scrutinize this sentence into its constituent elements (noun, verb, preposition, etc.) and analyze how these parts relate to one another grammatically. The structure would be represented graphically by the resultant parse tree, which would indicate that “Jhony” is the subject, “easts” is the verb, and “an apple” is a prepositional phrase that modifies the verb.

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Semantic Analysis: The Meaning of Language

Semantic analysis is concerned with meaning, whereas syntactic analysis concentrates on structure. It aims to comprehend word, phrase, and sentence meanings in relation to one another. Semantic analysis considers the relationships between various concepts and the context in order to interpret the underlying meaning of language, going beyond its surface structure.

There are various techniques involved in NLP semantic analysis techniques, some are mentioned below:

Word-Sense Disambiguation: It interprets a word’s meaning according to its context. For example, depending on the surrounding terms, the word “bank” could refer to a financial organization or the side of a river.

Named Entity Recognition: It recognizes and categorizes textual elements, including the names of individuals, groups, places, dates, and so forth.

Semantic Role Labeling: It designates the functions of words or phrases within a sentence. For example, in “John gave Mary a book,” in the sentence, John is the giver, Mary is the recipient, and the book is the object given.

Sentiment Analysis: It evaluates the sentiment or emotion expressed in a piece of text, determining whether it is positive, negative, or neutral.

Take the example, “The bank will close at 5 p.m.” In this, the semantic analysis would interpret, based on the context, whether “bank” refers to a financial institution or the side of a river.

The Interplay Between Syntax and Semantics

For a thorough comprehension of language, syntactic and semantic analyses are crucial. They frequently cooperate to improve the precision and complexity of NLP systems. For example, a statement that is syntactically valid may nevertheless be semantically unclear or incomprehensible; therefore, in order to arrive at a coherent interpretation, both analyses are required.

Consider the sentence: “Flying planes can be dangerous.” Syntactic analysis alone might struggle to disambiguate this sentence. “flying planes” could be interpreted as either the subject or the object of the verb. Semantic analysis helps clarify the intended meaning by considering context and usage patterns.

Applications in NLP

Both syntactic and semantic analyses have a wide range of applications in NLP, including:

Machine Translation: To create accurate translations while translating text from one language to another, one must comprehend the source language’s semantics and syntax.

Information Retrieval: These analyses are used by search engines to interpret requests and return pertinent documents based on context (semantics) and keyword matching (syntax).

Chatbots and Virtual Assistants: These systems rely on syntactic parsing to understand user input and semantic analysis to generate appropriate and meaningful responses.


Two essential parts of Natural Language Processing (NLP) that deal with different facets of language understanding are syntactic and semantic analysis in NLP.

The syntactic analysis makes sure that sentences are well-formed in accordance with language rules by concentrating on the grammatical structure. Semantic analysis, on the other hand, explores meaning by evaluating the language’s importance and context.

The development of reliable and efficient NLP systems that can precisely comprehend and produce human language depends on both analyses. NLP closes the gap between machine interpretation and human communication by incorporating these studies, resulting in more sophisticated and user-friendly language-based systems.

Enhance Your Applications with Advanced Natural Language Processing Services from Ksolves

At Ksolves, we offer top-tier Natural Language Processing Services that ensure semantic and syntactic integration to create powerful language-based applications. Our expert team is equipped to develop solutions for machine translation, information retrieval, intelligent chatbots, and more.

Contact us today to discover how our NLP services can revolutionize your business. Visit Ksolves to learn more and get started on your NLP journey.

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