5 Reasons Why Cyber Security Is Important in Banking



October 1, 2020

Cybersecurity Important in banking


Cybersecurity is not limited to IT industries; it is crucial for every business, including profit and non-profit organizations. But, for banks, it holds critical value. Banks and other financial institutions deal in millions of transactions on a daily basis. Most of these transactions are done via digital payment transfer platforms. That’s why banks have become a primary target of cyberattacks.

Thus, it’s of high importance for banks to take preventive security measures to prevent their data against cyber attacks. Here are five reasons that show why cybersecurity is essential for banks and financial institutions.

1. Data Breaches can Impact Bank’s Reputation

Data breaches are a critical issue for banks, as it leads to losing customers data and trust. If the customers’ data of a bank is compromised, it makes it difficult for customers to trust the bank. Data breaches usually happen due to weak cybersecurity strategies.
Therefore, it is required to have cybersecurity essentials for banks and financial institutions to upfront the existing security parameters and protect crucial data.

2. Financial Loss to the Customers

When a bank faces a data breach, it not only impacts the bank’s reputation but also causes financial loss to its customers. Generally, when a customer loses money due to card fraud, it can be recovered from the bank. But, in situations like data breaches, it takes time to recover the funds, which could be very stressful for customers.
So, to keep customers happy, every bank needs to implement cybersecurity measures that can protect their customers’ assets.

3. Consequences and Penalties for FDIC Non-Compliance

No bank wants to face penalties for non-compliance, as it could be tough to come out of it. Compliance standards ask banks to take adequate cybersecurity measures to prevent cyber attacks. And if any bank doesn’t follow the rules and become a victim of cyber threats in banks, they need to face FDIC penalties.

4. Customer’s data is Sensitive

It is very hard for customers to handle data breaches knowing that their private information has been compromised. Besides, even if the consumers block their cards, their personal information can be used by any cybercriminal.
Once a user’s personal information gets stolen, it becomes hard for banks to win their trust and bring them back. Thus, it is advisable to plan ahead and take cybersecurity for banks seriously.

5. The Wave of Digitization

As you know, almost everything has been digitized now. From ordering food to making appointments and transferring money, we rely on various digital platforms. This makes it highly critical for banks to upgrade their banking applications used by customers, as hackers can quickly access banking apps if proper cybersecurity measures are not implemented.
These reasons clearly show why cybersecurity for banks is essential, and how neglecting it can impact the entire banking industry.

Thus, to avoid cyber threats, it’s crucial to implement cybersecurity frameworks for banks. Besides, it will also help if banks and financial institutions consult cybersecurity service providers to get the best advice and solution for cyber attacks.


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Shilpa Shrivastava

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