Top 5 Best Technologies to Build Microservices Architecture
August 31, 2021
Microservices are one of the most talked-about software architecture trends of the year 2021. The tremendous popularity of Microservice architecture has impressed famous tech companies including Amazon, Walmart, Twitter, Netflix, and Spotify.
Along with big companies, many small and medium enterprises are moving towards building complex applications and thus hoping to migrate into single independent Microservice architecture from their traditional monolithic systems. However, organizations wanting to adopt the Microservice architecture are facing the biggest challenge while choosing the right tools and technologies.
Well, different technologies can be used depending on the organizational needs. However, before discussing the technologies, let us understand, what is Microservices?
What is Microservices Architecture?
Microservice architecture is a methodology where a single application can be fragmented into a series of several smaller services. The services are later executed in their process and also interact with lightweight mechanisms. Microservices are developed around the capabilities of a business that can be deployed individually through automated deployment mechanisms. Microservices architecture has built-in distinct programming languages and uses several technologies for data storage and requires bare minimum management of these services.
Why choose Microservices?
In any Microservice, an application is arranged as a set of loosely coupled services. Microservice has independent developer components that make an application easier to maintain. There are certain advantages of Microservices that are motivating organizations to migrate to Microservices from their monolithic architecture.
Here are some of the advantages listed below-
Simple Modular structure– Microservice architecture split an application into several smaller components. This allows the developers to easily understand, develop, and test the application.
Scalable– since Microservices are deployed independently, they can be independently scaled and monitored through cloning and sharding.
Robust– Microservices are robust, which means, in the time of memory leak and failure in a single module, the whole application will not be affected and it will still keep running.
Security– Microservices provide utmost security as it is isolated The entire system will remain unaffected by an attack on one Microservice.
Criteria for choosing the right language for Microservice architecture
Microservices allow developers to provide a reliable platform to obtain the benefits for their business. Although the developers can use many languages it doesn’t mean it will be effective.
The Microservices comprise many operational overheads and adding a diverse programming language can exponentially raise the performance overhead. To reduce the overhead, one should standardize by selecting the appropriate programming language based on the business needs. Considering criteria to evaluate the programming language is a smart option. Let us have a look:
Support for continuous integration
Highly observable
Support for automation
Modeled around business domain
Independent deployment
Customer-first approach
Decentralization of components
Now that we have a clear understanding of Microservices and the criteria to select the best programming language, we will move towards the best technologies needed to build Microservice architecture.
Top 5 Technologies to build Microservice architecture
Microservices can be implanted with a group of frameworks and tools. These include Java, Python, Golang, Node JS, and .NET. Let us explore the details of the languages that support Microservice development.
Implementing Microservice in Java programming language is one of the options. Easy to read Annotations syntax makes Java a great programming language for Microservices. It offers readability while working with complex systems and is much simpler to develop. The UI, model components, and connectivity to back-end resources in Java are all within the boundaries of a single, isolated, and independently deployed application.
Some of the Java Microservice frameworks among the several frameworks for developing Microservices architecture are-
Spring boot- This framework works on top of various languages AOP, inversion of control, and others.
Dropwizard- This framework collects mature libraries into a simple and lightweight package.
Restlet- It allows the developer to build better APIs for the REST architecture model.
Spark- One of the best frameworks of Microservices in Java, that supports creating web apps in Java 8, and Kotlin with minimum efforts.
Golang is a good choice when it comes to enhancing the existing project. Golang, which is more popular by the name Go, is famous for its API support and concurrency. The concurrency results in increased productivity of various machines. It is exclusively designed for the development of compels and large applications. Go offers two highly impressive frameworks listed below-
Go Micro
Go Kit
Python is a high-level programming language that offers smooth integration with various technologies. Python also offers fast and easy prototyping as compared to other languages and includes substitution for heavy implementation such as Django. In addition, Python is compatible with languages like PHP and ASP.
Along with all these benefits, python provides a wide range of frameworks such as Flask, Falcom, Bottle, etc.
In recent years, Node JS has evolved as a go-to platform for organizations wanting to adopt Microservices. Node JS is built with V8 runtime that makes Microservices Node JS super fast while performing input/output tasks.
Node JS is a great programming language that offers enhanced productivity, high performance, and reduced cost.
5. .NET
ASP.NET helps in building simpler APIs for Microservices and has built-in support for deploying Microservices with the help of Docker containers. .NET Microservices let you adopt the application without revamping it.
.NET can be used for the specific part of the application and does not require to be implemented everywhere and can easily run on all cloud platforms.
Wrapping it up
In this article, we have covered the top 5 languages that can be used for Microservices architecture. While each of them has its advantages and disadvantages, there is no consensus as to which is the best. You can choose multiple languages or can pick one depending on the organizational goals.
If you want further information on Microservices, Ksolves is the best place. We offer Microservices consulting in India and the USA with proven customer satisfaction.
Reach out to us in the comment section for more information.
Shilpa is the Senior Technical Content Writer at Ksolves. She has a great command over emerging technologies like Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Microservices, and DevOps. She also has a profound knowledge of Salesforce CRM and loves writing about easy solutions to complex tech issues.
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One thought on “Top 5 Best Technologies to Build Microservices Architecture”
Absolutely disagreed with Java being the best language for developing micro services. It was back in the day when a chassis for running and orchestrating micro services was needed and Java had Spring Boot. But in this day and age microservices are deployed to the cloud as either serverless functions or containerized services. Trams can use any language to develop the micro services but the language must be relatively easy to pick up and productive. Java is neither of those.
Absolutely disagreed with Java being the best language for developing micro services. It was back in the day when a chassis for running and orchestrating micro services was needed and Java had Spring Boot. But in this day and age microservices are deployed to the cloud as either serverless functions or containerized services. Trams can use any language to develop the micro services but the language must be relatively easy to pick up and productive. Java is neither of those.