Why Choosing a Responsive Theme is Always a Great Idea?



March 23, 2021

Responsive Themes

There is not much difference between planning for a website design and shopping. There are always several options to choose from for the budget-restricted pockets! Thus, while you chalk out the requirements for Odoo backend themes or Odoo custom themes, you must adhere to a quantitative approach. 

Responsive web design simply implies those websites that can easily adjust to the visitor’s viewport size. The objective is to render the website content differently to various device/screen sizes. It brings about uniformity in user experience regardless of how the website is accessed and the sites load faster with no distortions.

Benefits Of Choosing A Responsive Odoo Theme

We live in a multi-platform world where devices of various types surround us- smartphones, PCs, tablets. Thus, opting for a responsive theme becomes a necessity. Let’s have a look at its benefits.

  • Better Experience For Users

A responsive website is synonymous with a better user experience. How much time a user is spending on your website is an important indicator of the quality of user experience. If users are finding it hard to navigate the site, chances are low that they will stay on the site. 

  • Better Website Loading Times

Responsive themes make websites load faster across devices. Owing to the fluid grids & responsive images, pages load faster. It has a positive impact on user visit durations. 

  • Low Bounce Rates

The bounce rate of a website refers to the percentage of its visitors who have navigated away from the site after viewing a single page. A responsive website that loads faster will have lower bounce rates & visitors are more likely to check out other site pages.

  • Easier Maintenance

Website maintenance will become easier. With a responsive theme, the development team doesn’t have to allocate time & resources and thus freeing them up for other important tasks.

Odoo has emerged as an ideal platform for creating great e-commerce websites & business portfolios. The best Odoo themes are those that can improve the productivity of backend operators and render great user experience to the front-end users. Odoo custom themes that are responsive blend with all devices easily.

End Note:

In this space, we have talked about the importance of Odoo responsive themes. If you are looking for the best ones to implement for your business, talk to our Odoo experts who have already delivered thousands of Odoo solutions, developed bespoke apps & alluring themes that have delighted the clients. What are you waiting for?

Contact Us for any Query

Email : sales@ksolves.com

Call : +91 8130704295

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