Introduction to Apache Cassandra: What is Apache Cassandra

Apache Cassandra


February 9, 2021


What is Apache Cassandra

In today’s digital age, there is a ton of data that is stored and passed through the world wide web. All this data comes forth from different devices like – computers, tablets, smartphones, etc. Handling this sheer amount of data from various sources is a huge undertaking. With Big Data becoming a staple for business models, data management can be an issue that needs to be addressed. The combination of the open-source software of Apache and Cassandra is a viable solution for data management without compromising on the quality and performance. Before moving on with the ‘what is apache cassandra’, ‘features of Apache Cassandra’, and ‘what it is used for’ section, let’s properly introduce Apache Cassandra to you. 

Apache Cassandra: Where It All Began!

Apache Cassandra NoSQL distributed database came into existence in Facebook headquarters, where the product was used to search inboxes. In July 2008, Facebook made the product publicly available. Without wasting any time, Apache Incubators grabbed the opportunity to induct Cassandra in 2009. Soon, Apache understood the potential of the product and made it a top-level project in 2010. Since then, we are experiencing a huge rise in the application of Apache Cassandra. 

What is Apache Cassandra?

Apache is an open-source platform. This web server delivers web-related content using the internet. It has gained huge popularity over the last few years, as the most used web server software. Cassandra is a database management system that is open-source. It has the capacity to handle a large amount of data across servers. It was first developed by Facebook for the inbox search feature and was released as an open-source project back in 2008. 

The following year, Cassandra became a part of Apache incubation, and combined with Apache, it has reached new heights. To put it in simple terms, Apache Cassandra is a powerful open-source distributed database system that can work efficiently to handle a massive amount of data across multiple servers. 

What is Apache Cassandra NoSQL Distributed Database Used For

There is so much data that is constantly generated that needs to be stored, collected, processed, and analyzed. The need to do all this safely yet improve the efficiency of operations is where Apache Cassandra proves crucial. Another important aspect of Apache Cassandra is its ability to be scaled easily to meet the changing demands in data management. It uses multi-node Cassandra clusters in order to sustain high requirements without compromising the efficient functioning of the system.

Apache Cassandra is a wide column database and has proved that it is one of the best NoSQL databases available today. The reason for its popularity among the users is the high and efficient functionality to accommodate a huge amount of data and carrying data records. The answer to understanding what Apache Cassandra is used for is simple; it is a software that can store distributed data, also keeping in mind the ever-evolving and changing length and scale of the data. 

Apache Cassandra Features

Now that we understand what Apache Cassandra is and what it is used for; numerous features make Apache Cassandra a good choice for users. The features of Apache Cassandra are:-


Apache Cassandra is highly scalable software. It enables an organization to add more hardware to meet the rising data demands of a particular business. Big companies like Netflix, Uber as well as Apple use this software that allows them to adjust the scales to fit their requirements without any compromise regarding the efficiency of the operations.


The feature of decentralization basically means there is no master-slave paradigm. No single point of failure can be found in this. Here each and every separate node has the capacity to present itself to an end-user as a replica, complete or partial, of the database. The process of decentralization means that there will be no network congestion or bottlenecks, and every node in the cluster is identical.


Apache Cassandra is not dependent on the hardware you are working with. It can simply work on the cheapest commodity and produce unmatchable speed when writing. Therefore, the product can store ample amounts of data without hampering your reading. 


With Apache Cassandra, data distribution can be done easily, securely, and efficiently. Cassandra cluster setup  and tuning provides its users the flexibility to distribute data as they require. One can also replicate the data if necessary across different data centers. In short, it is distributed to various nodes and data centers which eventually are valuable for the user.


Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability are hard to find but that’s not the case with Cassandra. The product allows ACID transactions effortlessly, which would help you with RDMS, as well. 


One of the most beneficial features of Apache Cassandra is the automatic replication of the data into multiple nodes. Cassandra fault-tolerance activates replication ability of the product. Moreover, numerous data centers support the replication, as they replace the failed nodes quickly.


Apache Cassandra is already fault-tolerant, but along with it, it is also durable for the long term. It has shown immense promise of suitability especially, for applications that run on data and can’t afford to lose it. 

There are several things that make this software the right choice for data management. The above mentioned are merely some of the important features of Apache Cassandra.

Scope Of Apache Cassandra

Considering all the features of Apache Cassandra, be it Cassandra fault-tolerance, Cassandra data migration, Cassandra enterprise support, Cassandra cluster optimization and tuning,  many organizations have opted for this product. Starting from big players in the market to startups, Cassandra has changed the way of database management. Let’s consider Netflix, the largest online streaming platform. Netflix has successfully provided updated data to its users day after day. Apache Cassandra has undeniably a huge role to play in this feat. 

With Big Data roaring loudly in the market, Apache Cassandra will be the option to handle it. The product allows you to store gigabytes of data without hampering your productivity.  


Apache Cassandra is the perfect choice of database. The features and services it offers like – decentralization, distribution of data, scalability, and availability, etc. to name a few, can do wonders for a business.

When it comes to unhinged and hassle-free Cassandra production support, Cassandra data migration, Cassandra backup and restore, Cassandra cluster setup, Cassandra enterprise support, Cassandra DBA, Cassandra cluster optimization, Cassandra cluster tuning, and many more, Ksolves has been a forerunner with 10 years of extensive experience. Our quality with end-to-end delivery solutions is one to look out for. Feel free to contact us at any instance 24×7! 

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Anil Kushwaha

Apache Cassandra

Anil Kushwaha, Technology Head at Ksolves, is an expert in Big Data and AI/ML. With over 11 years at Ksolves, he has been pivotal in driving innovative, high-volume data solutions with technologies like Nifi, Cassandra, Spark, Hadoop, etc. Passionate about advancing tech, he ensures smooth data warehousing for client success through tailored, cutting-edge strategies.

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