What’s New In The Latest Version of PrestaShop 1.7?



December 29, 2020

prestasop 1.7

2020 has been a great year for the e-commerce industry. As more people have stayed at home, online shopping has got a major boost. This has created pressure and tested the scalability & stability of e-commerce platforms worldwide. The (1.7.7) version of Prestashop is out now. One can now have insights into the new features, improvements, and bug fixes. In this space, we will look at the new PrestaShop 1.7 features & offerings.

Prestashop Latest Version 1.7: Features

Fuzzy Search

The latest version of Prestashop has introduced an advanced feature for search- Fuzzy Search. Using it, online store owners can improve website navigation & the overall user experience. By implementing the Levenshtein algorithm, Fuzzy search analyzes the differences between the relevant strings and then sorts them out. In easy words, if a user enters a misspelling while searching for an item, the mechanism of approximate string matching has fewer words to consider which essentially minimizes pressure from the server and the results are loaded faster.

New Languages

As the popularity of Prestashop is on the rise, Prestashop 1.7.7 has introduced new languages! These can be availed by both the end-users and store administrators. During installation, the merchants can choose from 89 localization packs that are available now. This will ensure that language won’t be a barrier anymore while setting up a store.

Manufacturer Part Number

This function is required to decide whether or not a service/product belongs to a specific service provider/manufacturer. Not only it enhances the search process but also contributes to SEO as it helps the search engines. A product can be presented to a customer who is looking for products of a certain producer.

Email Translation

Things will become easier for the merchants as they can get email translations directly in their back-office without any requirement of third-party translation services. The communication process with the international customers will get speeded up and misunderstandings can be averted.

Emojis Support

Emojis can be utilized in both the backend and frontend as the database tables use utf8bm4 encoding by default. It is a welcome addition by PrestaShopas emojis are now an integral part of our lives in the digital age.

New Features In Order Pages

Several new features have been introduced to boost order pages. One of the key objectives was to improve the obsolete architecture and increase performance with the aid of innovative solutions. 

After surveying users, the PrestaShop team had identified that the order detail & order list pages needed improvement. They followed it up by migrating the order pages to Symphony and redesigning them.

In the PrestaShop new version, these features were incorporated in the Order List page:

  • Order’s Preview: A merchant can now easily preview the critical information about an order in one click. This function previews the list of products that have been ordered, customer data, invoices, shipping addresses, etc.
  • Status Color: This function will allow the merchants to classify orders based on their individual status. There are default colors but one can easily customize them. 

In the default mode, the dark blue color implies that the orders need customer actions. 

Light blue color indicates that payment from the customer has been accepted and the orders require action from the merchant’s end. 

Orders with green color are okay and don’t need any action. 

Orders flagged in red/black indicates an error.

  • Editing Of Order Status: Merchants may update/alter the status of the orders directly from the Order List page by simply clicking on the label.
  • Direct Link To Customer Profiling: Merchants now have direct access to the customer profiles at the list of orders.

Improved features In The Order Details Page:

  • Customized Display: In the latest version of PrestaShop, it is possible to check each change directly from the Order Details Page.
  • Product List Pagination: The Product List Pagination of PrestaShop’s can adequately improve the overall merchant-user experience. It decreases the navigation time spent in the Order Product List. This feature presents the list in a more structured format and eliminates the need to scroll down the entire list to locate the required product.
  • Hooks Relocation: The hooks have been relocated as a result of the changes made in the layout. Efficiency & backend user experience are set to improve with the new relocated location.
  • Customer Conversation Pop-Ins: This function is a striking interface improvement! Merchants can now view the latest 4 messages & the entire conversation if required, as a pop-in.

Insightful Error Page

If there is some error in the production mode(linked to back-office), the error page will provide the details of the error and also the possible ways that can fix it. 

Disable/Enable Suppliers

In the latest PrestaShop version, the store administrators can distinctly configure the demonstration of different suppliers.


Prestashop 1.7.7 makes it possible to add some new official currencies as well as the local ones. The store configuration also allows the displaying of a certain currency based on the chosen language.

Technical Upgrades

  • With the latest release, PrestaShop’s core theme & back office support the latest jQuery version(jQuery 3.4.1) 
  • PrestaShop comes with an excellent module for tab management to eliminate the problem. If it is disabled, it won’t get displayed.

End Note: 

As we wrap up, it can be concluded that with PrestaShop 1.7.7, the merchants can benefit from the new features, improve the engagement of the users, highlight & manage their products in a better way and delight a broad range of audience. If you require more details regarding Prestashop development, you can contact the experts from Ksolves.

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